Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Why do we insist on making our lives all about work or money, I admit I sometimes have the same problem and not everyone is all about money. But bcuz our society is so selfish and all about posessions we insist on making everything about how much we have, I think we need to find a solution. We need almost a communist society in the sense that we all need the same things, for the sole purpose of realizing how selfish and idiotic it is to have so many things. I know a communist society will not work bcuz of dang lazy people, they would ruin it for everyone. It is not idealistic, but it is a very simple, but not very intellegent way to get rid of our selfish nature, bcuz you cannot change the person but you can change the rules. A lame excuse and a lame way to make things go easier for society, but hey do you have a better idea...

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Life is a Storm

Life is a Storm What you do in these storms is what makes you a man. Life will allow you to bask in the Sunlight one moment and then you will be shattered on the rocks the next. You must look into those storms and say to it, " Do your worst, For I will Do mine."