Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Xian College is not for me

I have attended Northwest University for my first impression and semester of College and let's just say I did not do well or did not enjoy, what I thought to be a great Xian atmosphere. I love small Xian communities but this one was full of fake people who thought preparing to become a business man or woman was what it was all about going to a Xian school and all. Don't get me wrong, a Business Major is totally fine, but isn't there a cheaper way, and better reason to go to a Xian college. Yeah, and being surrounded by fellow believers is wonderful, but when partying and dating relationships is the only other thing on your mind besides making money from an acquired business major, there might be a slight, no, huge F*!#ing problem here! Xian College is not for me!

1 comment:

Danny said...

Hi, would you be interested in writing up your experience for BibleCollegeStories.com? It's a site that tries to inform prospective students about what christian colleges are really like. You could even just paste what you've already written. Thanks,


Life is a Storm

Life is a Storm What you do in these storms is what makes you a man. Life will allow you to bask in the Sunlight one moment and then you will be shattered on the rocks the next. You must look into those storms and say to it, " Do your worst, For I will Do mine."