Tuesday, March 20, 2007

This Sucks

Allright, So i got this job for a landscaping guy, and I am getting paid $12/ hour and I was super excited to get paid some decent money for once and have a job instead of sitting on my butt all the time. Now that I have this job I hardly ever work! I work maybe 4 hours a day and I maybe work three days a week and I have bitched at my Boss like 12 times already and he still just says work will come. I am fed up and I want to get a new job!

1 comment:

Cable Ray Wire said...

Bummer dude. That's quite ironic. Maybe your boss will pay you for advertising too? like, put some stuff up on craigslist or make flyers.

Life is a Storm

Life is a Storm What you do in these storms is what makes you a man. Life will allow you to bask in the Sunlight one moment and then you will be shattered on the rocks the next. You must look into those storms and say to it, " Do your worst, For I will Do mine."