Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Rich and The Poor

To be wealthy is not a positive or negative thing as is having lower income. Here is the issue, most of today's lower class society dig themselves a bigger hole every day, I would know bcuz I come from a middle income family, but bcuz of ignorance of financial incites to become better for ourselves we dug ourselves into the very low end of income, with miles upon miles of debt. The wealthy part of our society could help diminish our extreme differences in our culture. But instead of contributing to our issues they instead insist on pushing it farther and more out of reach to reconcile.

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Life is a Storm

Life is a Storm What you do in these storms is what makes you a man. Life will allow you to bask in the Sunlight one moment and then you will be shattered on the rocks the next. You must look into those storms and say to it, " Do your worst, For I will Do mine."